Saturday, March 21, 2009


Once King
I strongly believe that the last post on this site has rightly charged your being as it provided an unrivaled lucid answer to a crucial question – “What is life about?” The right answer supplied by the article is what most ignored that still left them in that position they are today. No wonder this purpose-revealing question (What is life about?) is referred to as the “Mother” of all questions that has to do with purpose in life. Consequently, its answer provides the foundation for fulfillment in life.

Hey! Lest I take too much of your time because I also recognize how precious time could be; so do I urge you to quickly join the “da revelation” fight as we voyage straight to the revelation of this day post.

Welcome on board! Peradventure after reading through the article “What is life about” you were able to discover yourself – Who you are; why you are; and more comprehensively, why you are who you are where you are, but somehow you are still left in doubt or better said the answer you got looks incredible. Never mind, this might be due to the previous perspective you conceive about yourself i.e. your self-esteem*. Nevertheless, don’t be daunted; you just unveiled yourself - the HERO in you*.

However, before we go further in this voyage, I will like us to halt; allowing you to take a critical consideration on the kind of treatment receives by a foetus while in womb and as a baby. Then you realize; the baby is treated and adored king. So also you were while in that phase. Now pause and sigh! Ask yourself what like, a king is meant to be in his kingdom and even to other kingdoms. At this juncture you realize vividly how you were meant to be – Reign and Rule! But what has happened in the process? What has gone wrong?
Once King!
How deserted lies the soul
That once so treasured
How like outcast is the one
Who once was heir in the kingdom
How like alien is the being
Who once was clothed with regal splendor
How has the value lost
How has the care been withdrawn
How has the honor turned rebuke
Hey! The royalty is lost.

How relegated lies the being
That once full of reign
How like slave is the one
Who once was master in charge
How like servant is the being
Who once was adored a king
How has the regal priesthood departed
How has the kingship suffered abdication
How has the praises turned reproach
Hey! The royalty is lost.

Welcome once again and congratulation for the hitch-free expedition. Am sure you enjoy the flight and you are greatly inspired!

Hey! It just occurred to me I have left you with a crucial question – “How has the royalty got lost?” unanswered. Am sorry but I never intended it. It is due to the fact that purpose-fulfilling questions can not all be answered once because one leads to another (they are in phases). Nonetheless, for explicit and right answers to life crucial questions you can always check “da revelation’s” flight schedule by your regular visit to http// to join our various expeditions which are meant to inspire the HERO in you to stardom.

Meanwhile, the next post shall be addressing the question - “How has the royalty got lost?”

Wishfully, your questions and comments are highly welcome!

You’re a hero!

©Thomas Idowu!

* shall be discussed in subsequent post

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